Thursday, June 10, 2010


Toward the end of the school year we did a poetry unit. One type of poem that everyone wrote was a haiku. After everyone turned in his work, I used some of the students' poems to create the document below. It is called a glog. A glog is a digital, multimedia poster. Click on the different elements of the glog to explore the world of haiku and listen to some of our student authors read their poems. If for some reason you can't hear the music or the authors' voices, try the link below. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Fiesta Mexicana

This past Thursday our class participated in our school's annual Fiesta Mexicana, a celebration in dance of Mexican culture. People from MISD's communications department came by and filmed part of the show. Afterwards, they uploaded the video to YouTube. Our presentation has been so well received that this year a principal from another elementary school asked us to perform there also. We did that on Friday. It was a hot day, and our students had to dance in unfamiliar conditions, but they did a great job, and we're really proud of their effort. If you take time to watch this eight minute video, students from our class participate as announcers and as the dancers in the second song on the video. Congratulations, guys! Y'all were great!

Este jueves pasado nuestra clase participó en Fiesta Mexicana, una celebración anual de la cultura mexicana a través de música y bailes. Unos representantes del departamento de comunicaciones de MISD vinieron para filmar parte de nuestra presentación. Después, subieron el video a YouTube. Nuestra Fiesta Mexicana ha sido tan popular que la directora de otra escuela pidió que vinieramos a su escuela para bailar también, y eso mismo hicimos el viernes. Hacía mucho calor, y nuestros alumnos tuvieron que bailar bajo condiciones que no les fueron familiares. Sin embargo, realizaron un trabajo excelente y estamos muy orgullosos de su
esfuerzo. El video dura ocho minutos, y si lo miras verás a nuestros alumnos presentando los grupos y participando en el segundo baile. ¡Felicidades, chicos! ¡Fueron estupendos!

Interactive Technology Feature

In March, a team from the instructional technology department came to film our class as part of a feature they were preparing to show off some of the interactive technologies that are being used in our district. We were excited to be asked to participate, and we showed them everything we do with our Promethean ActivBoard. Not everything we did was included on the video, but it was a lot of fun to see the final product. The team went to visit a math class as well, so some of our friends from other classes were included, too. The students got especially excited when we told them that not only would the whole district be able to see them, but that they were going to be on YouTube, so anyone in the world could see the cool things that we're doing at our school. See for yourself!